The lessons given by Dr. Thomas Holland.
(You may also down load all the lessons in one text only zip file from my Down Load Area.)
In this lesson Dr. Holland establishes the Bible as the starting point for this class. In fact, this lesson shows the importance of basing our faith on God's Word alone.
Lesson 2: Presenting Some Basics
This lesson lays a basic foundation for understanding textual criticism.
Lesson 3: Listing Some Differences
This lesson shows some differences between the King James Bible and modern translations.
Lesson 4: Early Heresies and the Alexandrian and Western Line
This lesson traces heresies in the early church as well as the development of the Greek text that underlies the NIV and other modern perversions of the Bible.
Lesson 5 - The Traditional Text Line
This lesson traces the development of the Greek text that underlies the KJV.
Lesson 6: German, Spanish, and Early English Versions
This lesson discusses German, Spanish, and early English versions of the Bible based on the Textus Receptus.
Lesson 7: The Authorized Version
This lesson discusses the history behind the King James Version, as well as comparisons between it and the New King James Version.
Lesson 8: The Hebrew Masoretic Text and Greek Septuagint:
This lesson discusses the origin of the Hebrew Masoretic text and the Greek Septuagint, including comparisons between the Septuagint and the KJV.
Lesson 9: The Dead Sea Scrolls:
In this lesson Dr. Holland discusses the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls in relation to the King James Bible.
Lesson 10: Textual Considerations
In this lesson Dr. Holland discusses the significance of how the actual text was translated. He gives quite a few examples verses from different versions.
Lesson 11: Translational Considerations
In this lesson Dr. Holland discusses some different translations in various languages in relation to the King James Bible.
Lesson Twelve: Deliberating the Arguments
In this concluding lesson Dr. Holland discusses more on how to know which Bible is the true words of God. He points out many more philosophies and errors of D. A. Carson, Bruce Metzger, and James White.
Doc is also starting of different an advanced manuscript evidence class for those with prior knowledge of manuscript evidence and the Bible issue in general. He plans on taking a couple books in the NT and comparing the Greek (TR/critical text) and other translations such as some of the earlier English Bibles and other languages. The student must have Windows with a processor that can load and use the symbol ("Greek") font. I suppose someone with a good MAC (whatever that is -- at best they are counterfeit computers ) could do the same thing. He will be using a lot of Greek and it would most likely not be worthwhile taking the course with out the proper equipment. (It is not necessary to know Greek.)
If you would like to participate in the class, click on Dr. Holland's e-mail address, which is, if your browser supports mailto links. Send Dr. Holland a note telling him that you would like to participate in the class. Classes are now being given on a six month cycle. So, depending on when you sign up it could be some time till the next cycle will roll around. Doc has plans to decrease the cycle time down to a short time so the wait in the future should not be long. You may ask, "Why do I need to take the class since I have the lessons here?" Well you miss out on meeting some new friends for one thing which I have made some good friends in the first cycle (and a couple that I could of done just as well not meeting
. You also miss out on some good questions asked and extra stuff that Doc puts out during the class period.
Brother John Babster for formatting the class into HTML format. You can also go directly to a mirror site at his Preservation Page for these lessons. The class is well worth the effort he put forth to do it.
Steve Van Hatton of Balaam's Ass where I swiped the background at . The graphic background is Papyrus. It is called "bull rushes" in the King James Bible. It was used in ancient Egypt to make boats, paper, musical instruments, and many useful things. It grows out from river and lake shores to form a floating mat on which some fishermen actually live. During high water periods, sections of the matted Papyrus can break off and float away forming ghostly islands. The key to raising papyrus is to keep it floating wet. It is the perfect plant for a child to start gardening. He cannot drown it.