16 Questions The Bible Critic
Will Not Answer
by Pastor Tom Griffith,
Open Door Baptist Church
14454 East Broad Street,
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068
(614) 927-1221
One who believes that the King James Bible, 1611 edition, is unreliable and full of errors CANNOT answer these questions:
1. If the King James Bible is not inerrant, which Bible is inerrant?
2. If the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts are not inerrant, which manuscripts of the hundreds in existence are inerrant?
3. If you know that the King James Bible has errors in it, then why do you not correct the errors and give us a perfect, inerrant Bible?
4. Why do you wave a King James Bible and say, "I believe the Bible is the Word Of God."?
Isn't that hypocrisy?
5. Is the Word Of God within the covers of one book?
6. If the Word Of God s within the covers of one book, which book is it?
7. If only the "originals" were inspired and without error, what was the purpose in God giving a Book without error and then losing it?
8. If only a portion of the King James Bible is God's Word, which portion?
9. When you read the commands:
- "Preach the Word" II Tim. 4:2
- "Study...rightly divide the Word" II Tim. 2:15
- "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you" Col. 3:16
- "...take...the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God..." Eph. 6:17
Where is this Word of God? How do you obey these commands? How do you preach something you haven't found? How do you study "the Word" if you can't put your hands on a copy of it?
10. What is your Absolute Final Authority?
11. How do you know that you are saved? (Please don't say, "because the Bible says so" if you can't produce that Bible.
12. Have you ever thought that perhaps you were like God, in that you could compare; revise; select rules, interpretations and words, and produce an authoritative Bible which taught what you wanted it to teach?
13. Where are the following "words" right now:
"The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth. thou
shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever."?
-Psalm 12:6-7
14. Given so many versions, can you really know exactly which versions might be
15. Which EXACTLY are the "modern translations"?
16. Which of these are the Word/s of God in English?
17. If it is propaganda to say that the KJV is the *only* Word of God in English, why is it not propaganda to say that *all* the NIV, the NASB, the NRSV, the Living Bible, and many other versions are all the "Words" of God in English?

Which Version is The Bible?", by Dr. Floyd Jones.

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